Age sliders can present at different ages depending on different circumstances. Age sliders may slide within a specific range of ages, may only present as certain fixed ages, or might experience a combination of these two. Alters that age slide can act differently and present very differently depending on age
An alter is an individual in a system. They are also called personalities, parts, or identities depending on the system. They can have their own identity and may have their own name, appearance, hobbies, etc. How distinct each alter is from the other varies from system to system. Every alter has a reason for being in the system.

Blending is usually when there are multiple people at front, but it’s not easy to tell who is doing what. This is also the case when two or more alters get very close to front but don’t completely switch.
When you’re not completely sure of who you are when fronting. More of an identity confusion of “who am I” rather than a confusion of who is doing what.
When two or more alters are near front, and are aware of each other, it’s said that they are co-conscious. It’s as if the alter fronting is the one driving the car, and the  co-conscious alter(s) are in the passenger seat watching.
Co-fronting is when two or more alters are in control of the body and are aware of what’s going on. They can either both have full body control, or an alter will only control one part of the body.
Disconnection between a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of who they are. This is common in everyone but happens more and to a more severe degree to people with dissociative disorders. From an outside perspective, dissociation can look like the person “zoning out.”
Dormancy is a term that is sometimes censored to prevent triggering systems. Dormancy happens when an alter becomes unreachable by the rest of the system and becomes inactive. They do not front, nor come near front. It’s said to be like a deep sleep. This isn’t permanent and alters can come out of dormancy.
Fragmentation is when a small fragment is split off of an alter, usually to hold trauma in order to allow the alter to return to their job/role. This is usually a natural response and uncontrolled.
Being in control of the body.
Being unable to leave the front and give up control of the body. Some alters that are frontstuck are able to go co-conscious, but unable to completely leave front.
Many systems have an internal world where the alters can manifest as themselves and interact. These can range in size and complexity. Different systems can have different ranges of control over their innerworld.
Another term that is commonly censored to avoid triggering systems. Integration is the process of two or more alters becoming a single alter. This is achieved by lowering dissociative barriers, improving communication, and merging into one.
This is generally recommended to be done in therapy only due to unhealthy fusion existing, however it can also happen involuntarily.
Integration can also be considered a system being able to work together in order to be a single functioning unit.
Fusion/Integration isn’t something to be afraid of and is a part of healing.
Time loss is a period of time where one or more alters can’t account for, due to another alter being in front, or due to dissociation. Time loss can range anywhere from a few seconds to years. Medically called Dissociative Amnesia. It’s very common in systems, and is actually a big symptom.
The world that isn’t the innerworld. Where alters go when fronting. The physical world that the body occupies. Etc.
An individual that isn’t a system. This term isn’t meant to be derogatory.
Another term that is commonly censored to avoid triggering systems. Splitting is what causes new alters to form. Splitting can only occur due to a stressor or trauma, despite if the stressor is negative or not. Splitting can be like ‘splitting an alter in half,’ but also a split in the entire system is possible, where it’s unsure exactly who the new alter split off of.
Debating whether something relating to systems is real, possible or valid. This could for example be debate about certain system origins, certain terminology, experiences, etc.