Holds the rage and anger that comes from trauma, especially childhood abuse. Likely to hate the abusers, more so than the rest of the system. May want to seek vengeance or retribution, and can be hostile towards people who get in the way of that.
It’s important to remember that every alter is their own person, and should be treated as a person, despite their actions.
A type of protector that is focused specifically on taking care of other alters or the body.
Also falling under the umbrella of "introject" factives are introjects based on factual sources such as celebrities, friends, or family members.
Falling under the umbrella of "introject" fictives are introjects based on fictional sources such as books, movies, or games
Gatekeepers are alters that have specific abilities over the rest of the system. Some can: Control switching, access to front, access to certain innerworld areas, access to certain alters, access to memories, and modify the innerworld.
Gatekeepers are especially helpful in systems, but not required.
Internal self helpers are alters that may hold lots of information of the system, such as alters, trauma, and/or internal workings. They can also be extremely helpful in systems.
The term introject is commonly used as an umbrella term, referring to alters who are formed based on an outside source. This source could be a real person, a fictional character, even a song or holiday! Its important to remember that introjects are not their source, and should be treated like any other person you meet.
Littles are child alters in a system.
Middle is a term usually used by systems with an older body, they are for alters that aren’t exactly adults, but aren’t littles, either.
Non-human alters are alters that see themselves as animals, fantasy creatures, objects, ghosts, hybrids, etc. There are many potential reasons for alters to be nonhuman, and it’s very common.
Protectors are alters that protect the body or system. There’s various types such as physical protector, emotional protector, etc.

It’s important to note that all alters are people and should be treated as such.
Persecutors are alters that may seem harmful, but in reality simply have a twisted way of protecting or poor coping skills. By showing love, affection, understanding, and patience, one can help persecutors recover. No matter how negative they may seem, they are still people and need to be treated as such.
Many consider persecutors to be negative. This is “stigmatizing.” This server does not support the stigmatization of persecutors.
Traumaholders are alters who hold memories that are traumatic in nature.
Symptomholders are similar, though they hold symptoms. They can be physical symptoms such as sickness, or mental symptoms such as anxiety.
Symptomholders that hold sickness could just more commonly front while the body is sick, not cause the sickness.